Red5 フリーソフトのFlashストリーミングサーバ ~開発クライアントの構築 その4~
Red5 フリーソフトのFlashストリーミングサーバ
~開発クライアントの構築 その4~
- 「demoservice.js」
- 「」
- 「demoservice.rb」
- 「main.groovy」
- 「main.js」
- 「」
- 「main.rb」
- 変更前
/* * demoservice.js - a translation into JavaScript of the ofla demo DemoService class, a Red5 example. * * @see * @author Paul Gregoire */ importPackage(; importPackage(; importPackage(; importClass(; importClass(java.util.HashMap); importClass(java.text.SimpleDateFormat); importClass(; importClass(; function DemoService() { this.className = 'DemoService'; log.debug('DemoService init'); if (supa) { DemoService.prototype = supa; } getListOfAvailableFLVs = function() { log.debug('getListOfAvailableFLVs'); log.debug('Con local: ' + Red5.getConnectionLocal()); var scope = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getScope(); log.debug('Scope: ' + scope); var filesMap = new HashMap(3); var fileInfo; try { print('Getting the FLV files'); //var flvs = scope.getResources("streams/*.flv"); //Resource[] var serverRoot = java.lang.System.getProperty('red5.root'); log.debug('Red5 root: ' + serverRoot); var streamsDir = new File(serverRoot + '/webapps/oflaDemo/streams/'); var flvs = streamsDir.listFiles(); log.debug('Flvs: ' + flvs); log.debug('Number of flvs: ' + flvs.length); for (var i=0;i<flvs.length;i++) { var file = flvs[i]; log.debug('file: ' + file); log.debug(' type: ' + (file == typeof(; log.debug('js type: ' + typeof(file)); log.debug('file path: ' + file.path); log.debug('file url: ' + file.URL); //var fso = new File(serverRoot + '/webapps/oflaDemo' + file.path); var fso = file; var flvName = fso.getName(); if (flvName.indexOf('.flv') < 1) { continue; } log.debug('flvName: ' + flvName); log.debug('exist: ' + fso.exists()); log.debug('readable: ' + fso.canRead()); //loop thru props var flvBytes = 0; if ('length' in fso) { flvBytes = fso.length(); } else { log.warn('Length not found'); } log.debug('flvBytes: ' + flvBytes); var lastMod = '0'; if ('lastModified' in fso) { lastMod = this.formatDate(new java.util.Date(fso.lastModified())); } else { log.debug('Last modified not found'); } print('FLV Name: ' + flvName); print('Last modified date: ' + lastMod); print('Size: ' + flvBytes); print('-------'); fileInfo = new HashMap(3); fileInfo.put("name", flvName); fileInfo.put("lastModified", lastMod); fileInfo.put("size", flvBytes); filesMap.put(flvName, fileInfo); } } catch (e) { log.warn('Error in getListOfAvailableFLVs: ' + e); } return filesMap; }; formatDate = function(date) { //java 'thread-safe' date formatting return new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss").format(date); }; toString = function(string) { return 'Javascript:DemoService'; }; doesNotUnderstand = function(name) { print("Unknown method called: " + name + "n"); for (n in context){ print('Context: '+n); } if (name in this.__proto__) { if (arguments.length > 0) { return this.__proto__[name](arguments); } else { return this.__proto__[name](); } } }; } DemoService.__has__ = function(name) { println('Has: '+name); return true; }; DemoService.__get__ = function(name) { println('Get: '+name); if (name in this) { return this[name]; } else if (typeof(this['doesNotUnderstand']) == 'function') { return function() { return this.doesNotUnderstand(name, arguments); } } else { return undefined; } }; DemoService();
try { print('Getting the FLV files'); //var flvs = scope.getResources("streams/*.flv"); //Resource[] var serverRoot = java.lang.System.getProperty('red5.root'); log.debug('Red5 root: ' + serverRoot); var streamsDir = new File(serverRoot + '/webapps/oflaDemo2/streams/'); var flvs = streamsDir.listFiles(); log.debug('Flvs: ' + flvs); log.debug('Number of flvs: ' + flvs.length); for (var i=0;i<flvs.length;i++) {